sENATE OF the mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

 8 December 1965

(Senate Minute pages: 237-243)

The meeting opened at 7:10 p.m., Wednesday December 8, 1965, in the Memorial Union Ballroom, President R.L. Smith presiding.

The roll was taken. 63% were present: Group I - Smith, R.L., Stebbins, Meese, Townsend, Sermon, Howard, Garland, Lawrence, Miller, Krenitsky, Romig. Group II - Bahrman, Boyd, Hooker, Niemi, Pollack, Price, Tidwell, Wiedenhoefer. Group III - Spain, Young, Hein, Clark, Work, Hesterberg, Snelgrove, Fryxell, Byers, Fitch. Group IV - Kraft, Kenny, Anderson, W.T., Hennessy, Johnson, V.W., Halkola, Frea.

Absent 37%: Group I - Bourdo, Volin, Yerg, Noble, Williams. Group II - Bredekamp, DelliQuadri, Keeling, Wyble. Group III - Smith, T.N., Been, Smith, R.J., Bovard. Group IV - Schnelle, Robert, Dobell, Anderson, H.B., Hall, Heldt, Shandley, McInnes.

No representatives from the Soo Branch were present.

The minutes of meeting No.23 (Nov. 5, 1965) were approved as previously distributed.

Committee Reports and action on same. Old Business

Approval of Committees

Prof. Price moved, Dr. Snelgrove seconded, and it was passed by vote to approve the committees appointed by the Committee on Committees as listed in the minutes pages 221-223 with corrections to eliminate the name of J.C Myers from Academic Standards Committee and correct the initials of M.S. Lind, Faculty Professional Development Committee. (Available by request from the Senate Office).

Election of members to Committee on Committees by Senate Groups I, II, III, and IV (Available by request from the Senate Office).

Proposal 2-65 -- Final Examination Policy - Minutes page 215. After some discussion it was moved by Dr. Work, seconded by Prof. V.W. Johnson and passed by written ballot 25 yes to 6 no, that the policy be adopted but under a changed name. In its final approved form, it now stands:

After consultation with the teaching staff, department heads designate all courses or sections of courses in which final examinations are given. These examinations are then scheduled for the final week of the term by the Final Examination Committee.

Proposal 1-65 -- Faculty Attendance at Professional Society Meetings, minutes pp. 210-211, 214-215. Dr. Work presented his committee's revised version of this policy. The Senate suggested some changes in wording which are included as printed below:

In the revised statement the committee has separated its recommendations into two categories:

1. Formal statement of policy (in two parts)

2. Four explanatory paragraphs which, although partially involving implementation of the policy, are appended to assist the Senate and, if approved by the Senate, to assist the administration in understanding the intent of the committee in the statement of policy.

Policy Statement (Senate Proposal 1-65):

  1. Attendance at professional society meetings is encouraged. Absence with full pay to attend such meetings will be granted unless, in the judgment of the Department Head, the absence would unduly interfere with the academic or research programs of the department.

  2. Each faculty member with the rank of assistant professor or higher shall be allowed expenses for at least transportation, registration, and one scheduled banquet or luncheon for at least one professional society meeting per year. Each faculty member who is a scheduled participant shall be allowed expenses for transportation, registration, meals, and lodging. Provisions for financing travel of others, for example: instructors, research associates, etc. may be arranged at the discretion of the department.

Additional Recommendations:

  1. Funds for faculty professional development travel should be separated in departmental CSS&M budgets from any other travel funds (i.e. funds for field trips, travel for recruiting staff, etc.)

  2. Where distance and number attending justify group arrangements for transportation, faculty members should be expected to take advantage of pool transportation made available by the University except where extenuating circumstances justify separate travel.

  3. Meetings of educational societies such as ASEE should be considered on the same basis as other professional society meetings.

  4. Until sufficient funds are available to put these policies completely into effect, first priority should be granted to participants, after which department heads shall be required to decide which meetings for which staff members represent the best use of available funds.

Dr. Work moved, Prof. Hooker seconded, adoption of the policy. Vote was taken separately on items 1 and 2 of the Policy. Both passed this first vote after considerable discussion.

Proposal 4-65, Special Lectures Program - minutes page 218. Prof. Price moved, Dr. Snelgrove seconded and voice vote (unanimous) passed this proposal. First vote.

Proposal 1-62, Senate Constitution Revision - minutes pp. 225-236. Dean Meese moved, Prof. Romig seconded, return of the Constitution Committee's proposed constitution to the committee. Dean Meese stated that amendments should be made to the present constitution to provide for (1) reduction in Senate size, (2) change in chairman, (3) separation of the Soo Branch. By using such amendments, the same objective can be attained without running the risk of Board of Control refusal to approve.

After much discussion of changes in the University Constitution, relevancy of counter motions made and rules of order, vote was taken on the Meese motion which was defeated.

Dr. Spain moved, Prof. Hennessy seconded and it was passed by vote to consider the new proposed constitution item by item. The following refers to constitutional articles by number as in minutes pp. 226-227.

Article I - Name - approved by voice vote of Senate.

Article II - Functions

Prof. Price moved, Prof. Hooker seconded substituting or amending by the following:

A. The functions of the Senate shall be to conduct studies and submit recommendations to the President of the University on all matters which the Senate shall deem appropriate.

B. The Senate shall be empowered to provide representation for the Faculty whenever appropriate; and to levy assessments upon the Faculty for any purposes endorsed by two-thirds of that portion of the Faculty responding to a written request for such endorsement.

C. At least once each term, at a meeting of the General Faculty presided over by the President of the University or his representative, designated members of the Senate shall report to the General Faculty on and answer questions raised in connection with action taken by the Senate. It shall be understood that at these meetings (1) any action taken by the Senate may be challenged by any member of the Faculty, and such action, by vote of the Faculty present, may be amended, revoked, or referred to a committee appointed by the Chairman for study and report at the next such meeting of the Faculty; and that (2) the challenging member will always be designated chairman of any study committee so appointed.

After much discussion, vote was taken. The motion was defeated.

Prof. Hooker requested reading of Part A of the Price substitution. When done he moved and Prof. Kraft. seconded adoption of part A for Article II. After some discussion, the motion was defeated by vote.

It was moved, seconded and passed by vote that the statement of Article II - Functions - be accepted as printed in minutes page 226.

Article II - Membership

Dr. Fitch moved, Dr. Young seconded adoption of entire Article III.

Prof. Price moved, Prof. Halkola seconded amendment to Article III A, B, and C as follows:


A. Membership and terms of office shall be as follows:

  1. The President of the University or his designated representative.

  2. Three members at large. They shall be elected from among those members of the General Faculty with tenure who consent to run and are eligible for listing in the University catalog under the Administrative Council (other than the President or his representative), Heads of Academic Departments, the Academic Faculty, the Library, and the Research Agencies. One such member shall be elected for a three-year term each year, except that in the first election one shall be elected for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. They shall not be eligible for re-election until the lapse of at least one year.

  3. One representative and his alternate elected for a one-year term by and from within the library staff and each of the academic departments, divisions, and research or other major academic agencies otherwise left unrepresented. Such representatives may be elected for no more than two successive terms, but shall again become eligible for two successive terms after each lapse of at least one year.

  4. A non-voting delegate from the student body, to be selected as decided by the Senate.

  5. A non-voting representative of the members of the non-academic staff for whom representation has not been previously herein provided.

After discussion vote was taken and the proposed amendment was defeated.

Prof. Tidwell moved and it was seconded that III A be recommended to read - one member elected by each department and three elected at large. The motion was defeated by vote.

The vote was taken and adoption of Article III as printed in minutes page 226 was approved.

Article IV - Officers

Dr. Hein moved, Dr. Snelgrove seconded, and it was voted to accept Article IV as printed in minutes page 226.

Article V - Committees

Dr. Fitch moved , Prof. Niemi seconded and it was voted to accept Article V as printed in minutes page 227.

Article VI - Procedure

Prof. Hooker moved, it was seconded and passed by vote that Article VI be amended to read:

The business of the Senate shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order when these are not in conflict with the bylaws to be drawn up by this Senate.

Article VII - Meetings

Prof. Krenitsky moved, Prof. Wiedenhoefer seconded, and vote passed a slightly modified version of this Article reading, "Two regular meetings of the Senate shall be held during each -- etc., as on page 227."

Article VIII - Amendments

Dr. Young moved, Dr. Hein seconded adoption of this Article.

Prof. Romig moved, Prof. Hooker seconded and vote passed amended revision to read, "If passed by 2/3 of quorum majority ---"

Dr. Smith relinquished the chair to Dr. Fryxell to move addition to Article VIII. "No amendment shall be made to this constitution for two years following its approval by the Board of Control." This was seconded by Prof. Krenitsky and after discussion, passed by vote.

Prof. Bahrman moved, Dr. Snelgrove seconded, and vote passed adoption of this proposed constitution, as amended, by the Senate. This is a first vote.

Prof. Romig moved, Dr. Snelgrove seconded and vote passed the substitution of this constitution adopted at this meeting for the former constitution. This is a first vote.

Introduction of New Proposals by Senate Members - New Business

None proposed.

Senate President's Report

None made.

Voluntary remarks by Senate members.

None made.

Adjournment at 10:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
G.W. Boyd, Senate Secretary